Sunday, January 2, 2011

Peak travel and the suggestion that there will be less car ownership and usage

Happy New Year!

Aren't you tired of spending all that time in your car? Whether it's moving or not moving?

Car ownership has declined in the U.S. since 2007 because of the recession.

“You get to a point where everybody who could possibly drive, drives.”

A Road Less Traveled by Melinda Burns,

Researchers "speculate that highway gridlock, parking problems, high prices at the gas pump and an aging population that doesn’t commute may be contributing to peak travel."

Silvia's suggestions:
You can bike or walk your errand.
Change your perspective on what a "walkable" distance might be. Increase it.
Use public transportation.
Look for a job closer to home. A lot of people like to say that this is not possible. But when we achieve it, don't we like to brag about it?

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